Tuition Assistance
Employees of federal agencies and members of the U.S. military may qualify for tuition subsidies based on income. Find out about tuition subsidies for:
Federal Employees:
To help make child care more affordable for lower income federal employees, federal agencies are allowed to assist employees with their child care costs.

The Child Care Subsidy Program applies to employees whose children are between the ages of birth and 13, or disabled and under age 18, and are enrolled, or will be enrolled, in family child care homes or center-based child care. The child care must be licensed and/or regulated by state and/or local authorities.
Find out if your income qualifies you for assistance.
Special Programs:
For military personnel assigned to the U.S. Southern Command (Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force), the Department of the Army will provide child care subsidy services to military and civilian DOD personnel assigned to the Command on a non-reimbursable basis per DOD Directive 5100.3.
Please use the U.S. Army link above for additional information.
Member of the U.S. Military:
The following military services, Navy, Air Force and Marines active-duty personnel including Reserves, National Guard, ROTC, MEPS and recruiters who are not under the Southern Command are eligible for child care tuition subsidies through NACCRRA Military Partnerships.